Lecture Notes: Computer Organization

COMP1003 Computer Organisation

Prof. Haipeng GUO


What is a Computer?

  • Definition:
    A computer is an electronic, digital, general-purpose machine that follows follows a step-by-step list (computer program) of instructions for solving a problem

Turing Machine

1936年,Alan Turing。

  • Definition:
    Turing machine, which is the abstract model of all computers

  • Components:

    • a tape divided into cells
    • a moving read/write head
    • a state register storing the state of the Turing machine
    • a finite table of instruction

The Church-Turing Thesis: All things that can be computed can be computed by a Turing machine

Universal Turing Machine: a Turing machine that could simulate all other Turing machines.

It is programmable – so it is a computer!

A computer is a Universal Turing Machine!

Historical Development

  • Generation Zero: Mechanical Calculating Machines (1642-1945)
  • The First Generation: Vacuum Tube Computers (1945-1953)
  • The Second Generation: Transistor Computers (1954-1965)
  • The Third Generation: Integrated Circuit (IC) Computers (1965-1980)
  • The Fourth Generation: VLSI(Very-Large-Scale Integration) Computers (1980-)

Von Neumann Architecture

Also called stored-program architecture

Both data and program are stored in the memory

  • Components:
    CPU (control unit, ALU, registers), memory, and an I/O system.

  • von Neumann Bottleneck:
    The speed difference between the CPU and memory creates a delay, as the CPU is faster than memory.

Von Neumann Execution Cycle

  • also called the fetch-decode-execute cycle
    • the control unit fetch the next instruction from the memory
    • the instruction is decoded into a language that the ALU understands
    • data operands are fetched from the memory into the registers inside CPU
    • the ALU executes the instruction and places the result into the registers or memory


The essence of abstraction is preserving information that is relevant in a given context, and forgetting information that is irrelevant in that context.

Levels of Transformations

Problem –(Software Design)-> Algorithm –(Programming)-> Program –(Compiling/Interpreting)-> Instr Set Architecture

Problem: What you want to do
Algorithm: step-by-step procedure to solve the problem
Program: a computer program that implements the algorithm using some programming languages

The Machine Levels

  • Instruction Set Architecture (ISA): instructions that a CPU can execute
  • Microarchitecture: implementation of ISA
  • Circuits: Details of electrical circuits
  • Devices (transistors): Circuits are built by interconnecting transistors
  • Bits: Transistors operate on bits (“0” or “1”) that represent data and information

Signed Interger Representation

  • Sign-magnitude:原码,最高位是符号位,剩下表示大小
  • 1’s complement:正数的话同原码。负数的话,在原码基础上,符号位不变,剩下取反。
  • 2’s complement:正数的话同原码。负数的话,在原码基础上,符号位不变,剩下取反,再加一。

Real Number Representation

以下是 IEEE754 Single Point Precision Numbers 的示例

单精度浮点数,32 bits。从左到右,1 个 bit 表示 sign,8 个 bit 表示 exponent,23 个 bit 表示 fraction。

(-1)^{sign} \times (1 + fraction) \times 2 ^ {exponent - 127}

  • e.g. $(12.375)_{10}$ to float
    • $(12.375){10} = (1100.011){2} = 1.100011 \times 2 ^ 3$
    • Sign bit = 0
    • Exponent: $3 + 127 = 130 = 1000 0010$
    • Mantissa: 1000 1100 0000 0000 000
    • Answer: 0 1000 0010 1000 1100 0000 0000 000


  • Integrated Circuits (IC)
    The integration of large numbers of tiny transistors into a small chip

Two Types of Circuits

  • Combinational logic circuits
    • Its output depends solely on its current input.
    • No storage, memoryless
  • Sequential logic circuits
    • Its output depends not only on its current input, but also on its current state (previous input)
    • Can remember previous input, storage devices

Combinational logic circuits


  • A decoder uses the inputs and their respective values to select one specific output line.

    • from a set of n inputs to a maximum of 2^n outputs
    • for a given input, one unique output line is asserted, or set to 1, while the other output lines are set to zero
  • All memory addresses in a computer are specified as binary numbers.

    • When a memory address is referenced (whether for reading or for writing), the computer first has to determine the actual address.
    • This is done using a decoder


A multiplexer behaves like a channel selector

It selects a single output from several inputs.

The particular input chosen for output is determined by the value of the multiplexer’s control lines.

To be able to select among n inputs, log2 n control lines are needed

Sequential logic circuits

Sequential Circuits = Combinational Circuits + Memory


What exactly is memory?

  • Write: You should be able to change (write) the value
    that’s saved.
  • Hold the value: It should be able to hold a value.
  • Read: You should be able to read the value that
    was saved.


Finite State Machine

The concept of state:

  • The output of a sequential circuit is a function of the current input and the previous state
  • The state is stored in the storage element

A system is a finite state machine if it has the following five properties:

  • A finite number of states
  • A finite number of external inputs
  • A finite number of external outputs
  • An explicit specification of all allowed state transitions
  • An explicit specification of the rules for each external output value

Turing Machine vs FSM

  • A Turing machine = a FSM + a tape memory.
  • Each transition may be accompanied by an
    operation on the tape (move, read, write).
  • Its total possible configurations are arbitrarily large, regardless of the size of the program; it expands towards infinity.
  • Turing machines have more computational power than FSM.
    图灵机比 FSM 具有更强的计算能力。


  • Micro-architecture transfers the ISA into an implementation
  • An architecture is a collection of circuits connected together

The von Neumann Architecture

The Stored Program Computer

  • Memory stores not only data, but coded instructions that make up a computer program
  • CPU fetches and executes – interprets - successive instructions of the program
    CPU 获取并执行 - 解释 - 程序的连续指令
  • Program is simply data for the interpreter – as in a Universal Turing Machine!
    程序只是解释器的数据 - 就像通用图灵机一样!
  • Single expandable resource pool – main memory – constrains both data and program size
    单个可扩展资源池 - 主内存 - 限制数据和程序大小
  • Array of stored bits
  • Address - unique (n-bit) identifier of location
  • Contents - m-bit value stored in location
  • Basic Operations
    • LOAD – read a value from a memory location
    • STORE – write a value to a memory location

Interface to Memory

  • How does CPU get data to/from memory?
    1. MAR: Memory Address Register (D flip-flops)
    2. MDR: Memory Data Register (D flip-flops)
  • The brain of the computer
  • It is the part that actually executes the machine instructions
  • Inside the CPU
    • Data path
      • Registers
        • PC, IR, MAR, MDR
      • ALU
      • DataBus 数据总线
    • Control Path
      • CU
        • 解析当前指令并生成相应的控制信号,控制指令的执行过程。
        • a finite state machine coordinates execution of the program
      • IR (instruction register)
        • 存储当前执行的指令,用于CU解码和生成控制信号。
      • PC (program counter)
        • 存储下一条要执行指令的地址,每执行完一条指令,PC会更新指向下一条指令地址。PC可以在跳转指令下由CU修改。


LC-3 是一种简化的教学计算机架构(Little Computer 3),用于帮助学习和理解计算机组成原理。它是一种虚拟的计算机模型,不用于实际应用,而是为了帮助学生掌握计算机指令执行、内存管理和CPU工作原理等基础概念。LC-3架构的指令集和寄存器设计都尽可能简单,以便于学习和理解。

LC-3 计算机架构:

  • LC-3 特点:LC-3拥有16位的指令16位的数据,总共支持15条基本指令,使用简单的寄存器和内存结构,适合教学。
  • Input and Output
    – Keyboard (KBDR & KBSR)
    – Monitor (DDR & DSR)
  • Memory
    • Address space: 2^16 memory locations
    • Addressability: 16-bit addressable, MAR and MDR
      内存:LC-3的内存地址空间为16位,意味着可以访问的地址范围是0到65535(即64 KB的内存)。
  • The Processing Unit
    • ALU (ADD, AND, NOT)
    • 8 generał register (R0, R1, …, R7)
  • The Control Unit
    • The FSM that directs all the activities
    • The instruction Register (IR) and Program
    • Program Counter (PC)


One instruction specifies two things:

  • opcode: operation to be performed
  • operands: data/locations to be used for operation

A computer’s instructions and their formats is known as its Instruction Set Architecture (ISA).
计算机的指令及其格式被称为其指令集架构 (ISA)。



A subroutine is a program fragment that:
– performs a well-defined task
– is invoked (called) by another user program
– returns control to the calling program when finished

  • Call
    • JSR/JSRR instruction
  • Return
    • RET instruction

Input & Output Mechanism

I/O Programming Interface

  • How are device registers identified?
    • Memory-mapped vs. special instructions
      • Memory-mapped
      • Special Instructions
  • How is timing of transer managed?
    • Asynchronous vs. synchronous
      • Asynchronous
      • Synchronous
  • Who controls transfer?
    • CPU(polling) vs. device(interrupts)
      • CPU(polling)
      • Device(interrupts)


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